Know More About Debt Collection!
Debt collection is not a recent financial activity; it has been around for many centuries and dates far back to 3000 BC at the time of the ancient Sumer Civilization . It gives a kind of timeline to understanding how financial transactions were entered into or made during the earliest days of human civilization. In ancient civilizations, a debtor who was unable to repay a debt was forced into 'debt slavery' along with his family till the creditor received full payback through their physical labor. Before time limits were set on debts, some debts used to carry into subsequent generations and debt slavery continued. However, after the entrance of adjudicators or settlers to resolve matters concerning debts, there have been instances of 'debt forgiveness' where the debt was reduced or the creditor forgave the debt. History of debt collection The earliest forms of Judaism in the first millennium before the Christian Era strictly forbade lending of money and discouraged co...